Kelly answered these questions, I’d be really disappointed. If I ignored Voltaire and judged Trapped in the Closet chapters 23-33 based on how well R. Maybe it will be the topic of the upcoming premiere of The Larry Show?
R kelly trapped in the closet 23 33 dvd tv#
In fact, even though episode 23 ends with the question “Where are you, Chuck?” we don’t see him at all, and no one else talks about AIDS the whole time except when the reality TV crew asks Rufus, “Does Chuck have AIDS? Is that what ‘the package’ is?” But that’s it! No one gets tested. And I had reason to hope Chapter 23, like 22 before it, shows our characters all receiving mysterious phone calls – could it be about the package?! Well, no, no it’s not. The AIDS reveal was the only real cliffhanger Kells successfully pulled off in chapters 1-22 so I was really hoping for a pay-off here. Because Chuck slept with Rufus who slept with Cathy who slept with Sylvester who slept with Gwendolyn who slept with James (albeit with a condom) who slept with Bridget who slept with Big Man who slept with one of Pimp Lucius’s prostitutes, they could all be infected! Suspense! Anyway, Chuck has it, and is in the hospital. Kind of a heavy plot point to throw into the same world where a little person shits his pants and then faints, but there you go.
R kelly trapped in the closet 23 33 dvd series#
The last chapter of Trapped before this round was dedicated to a series of frantic phone calls about “the package,” which some Googling revealed to be HIV/AIDS.

I’d call it a plot twist but I don’t know what a plot is anymore. Kelly decided that this story was so interesting that it warranted its own TV show inside of itself. Kelly again.) You see, the final “cliffhanger” of this whole thing is that they’re all on a TV show now.

But maybe in future episodes he’ll play Larry, the host of the live talk show about Trapped’s ensemble that was alluded to at the end of #33? (Oh, who am I kidding: It’s definitely gonna be R. “What Are You Doing in Trapped In The Closet Anyway, Will Oldham,” reprise his role as the cop? Kelly is so obsessed with gay stuff while simultaneously so unhip about it.ĭoes Will Oldham, a.k.a. Your husband is gay.Īnd while we’re on the subject, why did both Rufus and Tina turn un-gay in this installment? It is perplexing that R. He talks Cathy into giving Rufus another chance, even though Rufus says in therapy that he’s still in love with Chuck. Is the name a hat-tip to Tyler Perry, who Kelly clearly thinks is a genius?) Perry’s advice to the couple is baffling. Rufus and Cathy go to this new marriage counselor named Dr. He has a grill that turns all his teeth into fangs and has two scars on his neck that immediately make you think vampire but it turns out Joey the Italian gave them to him. Kelly whose name is incredibly appropriate because his facial hair looks like a fart: It’s light brown and wispy and goes to a point. There are at least four: a blind Asian hipster prostitute, the therapist (more on that later), some henchmen, and the most dramatic new introduction: Beeno. This at least if quantifiable, if not sensical. Here are the questions I had going into this, and I think they were pretty reasonable. It starts with secrecy and ends with a rumor, and the rumor is: Everyone has AIDS! It’s just like Rent! And there are some old people who are goofy. But to sum up what happened as best I can in this unrecappable situation: Um, everyone had sex with everyone. Then again, if you have seen chapters 1-22, you’re probably in the same boat. If you haven’t seen chapters 1-22, this list won’t make much sense to you. It was like watching a really poorly made rug, where the guy who made it spent the whole time looking at the camera and making a face like, “I can’t believe this rug I just made!” So instead, judge me by this question: what did I just watch? Absolutely no loose ends are tied up in this installment of R. Voltaire said, “Judge a man by his questions, not by his answers.” It was a helpful quote to bear in mind while watching Trapped in the Closet: Chapters 23-33, which aired back-to-back on IFC Friday night, mostly because the show was all questions and no answers.